Wednesday, September 27, 2006 @6:17 PM
prelims s*cked. results s*ucked. don't ask about it. no, i'm not trying to avoid the topic. what's there to say when half the time i was doing other things rather than studying.
haven't posted on kw's bday outing. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! food, movie, shopping, yakking. love it!
first stop: swensens

[clockwise from left:my executive lunch set-black pepper spag, soup of the day, drink; ice-cream dessert; larger pics; chicken baked rice; salmon&mushroom baked rice]. the other two ate fish and chips. haha, lazy to snap pictures.
i apologise for making you hungry. don't hit me.
second stop: eng wah cinema
i want to complain! although i like the space, but the floor and seats aren't very new. haiz. ok. end of my complain. we went to catch "the banquet", only for NC-16! oh well i like it, so bloody. lol. but before the show, i already caught a free horror movie.

do you see something white at the back?
*rubs eyes*
*rubs harder*
your friend is coming to visit you tonight...CASPER the FRIENDLY GHOST!haha, just joking -_-
ada brought me to new hairdresser. mm. shall see how my hair grows then i'll decide what to do with it again. my hair is known to be dry and frizzy =( tentatively this is the new look:

crap. shouldn't have attempted to photoshop it. now it looks so messed up. bahh..
i must do this paper, that paper, all the papers. la la la.
Saturday, September 23, 2006 @9:51 AM
amazing amazing. my BT d/l reaches 54kB/s! it usually hits 30kB/s maximum. well...i know someone's minimum speed is >100kB/s. *turns away
yesterday went for class outing after exams. after touring around harbourfront mall for quite some time, we headed to sentosa: to play ball, take photos and bask in the sun. anyway we took a long time to arrive at siloso beach laughs. blue line->tanjong&palawan tram->(uhoh.wrong tram)->tanjong&palawan tram->beach tram. finally. lousy hp camera forbid me to take photos unlike jeri who owns a 9-10MP one. her camera was so slick and stylish, just like her =p aud was photographer of the day - always excited to snap as usual. can't wait to see the photos. after all, like yl said, it's the first successful class outing(: organisers: serene, winston and yilin (did i miss out anyone?)...THX!! cheryl looked like a taitai with her shades lol. aprine did some dancing. yl and ryn taught some to play touch rug. wk was super active in all the ball games, teasing others, buried under 2pm hot sun, singing his famous 'under the banana/coconut/papaya/mango tree...'-_-" wins and jk dug graves for themselves, revealing their childishness in public. haha. they've always been like this. it feels like another pw meeting, without the leader. the other three guys took their time to walk/take tram to palawan beach, but came back with a super big gulp of 100-plus. yay. we quenched ourselves with lots of water, cheezels, twisties and ruffles! reg, thx for being my side, constantly passing water for me to drink, walking here and there doing lame stuff...

messy hair, but whatever. what's important is that i had fun!
29/05 had a rockin' good time...
Wednesday, September 20, 2006 @5:28 PM
photoshop has been verified by myself to be an energy drainer. attempted to design a card for my friend but gave up eventually. firstly i thought the printing would be difficult, then later on all the stuff that i played around with seem unsatisfying so might as well, FORGET IT! when my ps skills are so lousy that it's easier to buy a card right. hmpf. but i'm determined to learn when the time is right and got shi fu to teach me! hehehe. haiz. i'm still thinking about entering ministry for the past week. it's time to abandon that thought for now and focus on somewhere else and that is 'studies'. sometimes it's not within my control that i keep thinking and la la la.
now i just have to finish bio and chem mcq and then prelims over! from fri-wed i'm gonna go mad and start figuring out a little/bit/LOT of ps. ok.. if i'm patient enough.
oh man. i have 92 new mails.
Friday, September 15, 2006 @6:01 PM
my God is God is God never fails!my com is no longer down!!!!!!!!!!! praise God. wahahhahahahhaa... sharing an online testimony:
1) although my com was temporarily spoiled the whole of yesterday, i still had my radio with class95-jean and ron(my brother thought i was stupid cos he switched on symphony92.4 and claimed it's not 92.4).
2) although i can't go for bbq tonight, i have the com to myself at this moment when i'm bored and stressed to the core. shinhwa revives my soul. hyesung and dongwan - hehehe.
3) although i couldn't finish my killer papers, i'm glad they could be done to a certain extent. imagine me trying to finish a 20m essay question in 10 mins. that was what happened this afternoon. but anyway, that's over be it.
i think this is cool. lol.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006 @12:32 PM
crazy. i'm going crazy.
yippie. whee! it's only the 3rd day, 4th paper and i'm like going mad already.
imagine the days ahead. so fun.
off to pia stats. i'm a happy mathematician.
my eye is in tip-top condition. thanks for worrying! your worries have been paid off.
Saturday, September 09, 2006 @10:58 AM
sorry if it looks a little gross here...

i don't know what went wrong. perhaps it's the lens case.
such a clean freak and yet i get this weird eye...
haven't seen doctor yet. goodness. am i going to be blind?!!!
Friday, September 08, 2006 @5:51 PM

nice flowers??
can one be charged for cutting flowers along the pathway?
while i was walking home i saw two ladies dressed in sarong, secretly cutting yellow allamanda flowers using a pair of scissors.
yellow allamanda is poisonous!!!!!!! they acted normally but one could always feel that they are guilty somehow. bleahs.
supposedly went to sch to see chem tutor but after i met up with ade i decided to leave. it's like i don't have much queries at that point of time. yea, after all the revision? maybe i didn't do much. haiz it's not that i want to complain but the aunty&uncle at Zap are really slow. zapping five copies of the same paper took like 20mins? or even longer than that...thx yenny. i'll pay you for the paper. better make sure i remember to...then we left for bk to eat and mug. mug mug. unproductive mugging. oh yes. this section at bk was like a mini teejay library. recognise some of them as year ones and year twos. lol. ade was like saying fast food chains earn more, much more during exam periods. but to me, it's not very true. majority of the students sit there for at least two hours with a medium drink. hey, two people share a drink. hurhur. how to earn much like that...anyway, at least she finished her foreigh ER notes and i cleared section c aka organic chem. that's very little...
Tuesday, September 05, 2006 @2:06 PM
maybe i'll learn to be less lazy when there's completely no food AND money at home.
my lunch:

it doesn't taste good today. sighs.
went for snack shopping yesterday. been such a glutton...cos i finished 3 out of 6 boxes of these within
a dayless than that!!

end of my lunch break. lala. byes.. 아차 아차!!
@12:47 PM
my dreams come under the same category - where the characters exist in real life, but they are not considered true friends of mine. it's like they're either ex-schoolmates(i.e. same chinese class)/tuition friends/purely acquaintances. worse still, they don't know who i am =(
Acquaintances develop and became friendships.
--Christa Wolf
had a funny dream this morning. maybe it might become true one day. it goes like this...
background storyweekly cg meeting was at my place.
ht was still the leader.
this guy was also around.(bleh don't tell you who is he, HAHA). let's call him 'guest'. apparently i dunno why he was there. special guest appearance haha.
the story beginssuddenly i appeared inside..hurhur.
ht and guest were running to my block supposedly. i followed blindly and climbed the stairs with them. realised we were at the wrong block!! (quite stupid right, it's supposed to be at my place but i
followed them in the wrong direction -_-)
ht told me that my brother led the way before i arrived. then i quickly brought them down and ran towards my house. a lot of running rained all of a sudden! everyone was drenched. but we kept on running and reached my home.
i can't remember who else was present. all of them sat in the living room, waiting, while the three of us went to dry ourselves.
---i stopped dreaming for a moment. after some time it continued.---
guest was sick.
(wished that i could cancel away this section.) i lent him a shirt to wear but he didn't. boo. he slept in the room and the rest of us had the meeting. after the meeting, i opened the door of another room and found two people fooling around.
luckily it's a guy and a girl. BUT this is getting ridiculous. at this moment i woke up.
now i'm feeling hungry. mac/kfc/bk?! can't decide what i want...
Sunday, September 03, 2006 @3:19 PM
learnt so much on money and living a debt-free life yesterday. thank you pastor kong!
definitely useful!!! see...marriage courses do not necessarily benefit the married couples only. singles get blessed by the message too...
at the end of the day, i'm really thankful that i truly live a debt-free life! at least for now. oh yea i need to maintain it as my way of life(:
reasons: my expenses are fully taken care of. my parents are super duper nice!!! they love me cos they give me allowances to spend. i don't pay a single cent for my orthodontic treatment, bills of all sorts, school fees, transport fees, accomodation, shopping etc etc...
i feel so loved overnight~~
i'm truly amused. three bear song rocks!
Saturday, September 02, 2006 @12:04 PM
no! i can't run the risk of letting bees come to my house once again! just spotted one that invaded my living room and when it flew out i quickly shut the windows. the air feels like it's thinning, definitely. gasp. lack of oxygen. what will the haemoglobin in my body bind to? nothing?!! oh gosh. -_- still surviving~ cos all the other windows are still opened, geez.
let me tell you why i'm so afraid of bees. or are they wasps? hm should be bees cos they aren't that big to be called wasps. ok anyway, it's like this...
one fine sunny day, while i was watching tv, this flying creature made its way to my living room. **buzz buzz** oh. new friend huh...welcome! then it flew under my study table which i don't use anymore. it piled up with books and papers and files =X so it stayed there for some time while i continued watching tv. after ten minutes or so, it left! so bye!
the next day, at about the same time, it came AGAIN! it flew, and almost banged into me. *@$%&$!# is it blind or what...had to prepare a stack of newspapers to whack it just in case i get stung by a bee for nothing. after some time, it went back to the same spot-under my desk. as usual, it left in a couple of minutes.
i think you know what i'm going to type right now. YEAH!! it's here for the third time. something is amiss. problem #1: why is it able to recognise my place? problem #2: why does it come regularly at the same time? problem #3: it's invading into my privacy. my mom suggested we close the windows so that it's trapped outside. teeheehee. it actually worked!!!! the following day, i decided to check out its favourite spot aka under my desk.
i found something in the holes of my desk. the bee built a nest in the holes! soil particles crumbled and fell to the ground whenever my mom whacked it. some were empty but the rest had something. EW!! mustered up my courage, armed myself with a toothpick and newspapers, i began to dig the things inside the holes......felt like an archaeologist =
brownish-black, dried yet sticky, juicy, bead-like substances with hair-like structures that looked like the legs of its offsprings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
read up a bit online...the sticky portion is the nectar that the mother bee has deposited. nectar and dry pollen food provisions combine to become pollen ball where the egg is laid on. hm i wonder which stage it was...but the brood cell hasn't been closed because the bee came back! oh man. i think the bee hates me to the core...
haiz. beware of bees that come to your home regularly cos they're building nests in one of the many holes!! you wouldn't want free honey from such a source right...